What is a botanical survey?
This is the generic name given to a suite of survey types that are designed to identify and quantify botanical features and habitat types on your site.
They comprise of surveys such as Fossitt Habitat Assessment, habitat specific plant surveys and protected plant species and distribution surveys, all of which are tailored to suit the needs of your site.
When do I need to get in touch?
These surveys are usually form part of a Preliminary Ecological Assessment .
However, you may require a habitat, species-specific or invasive species botanical surveys and these are best undertaken in the growing season (April to October), although some habitats such as woodlands are best done in the spring, whilst moorland for example can be done during the autumn months.
How can EcoÉireann help me?
We have a wide range of experience when it comes to botanical surveys. Our botanists possess specific, expert knowledge of upland habitats (e.g. bogs, mires, and moorland), woodlands, grasslands, and brownfield sites as well as all coastal and river systems.
We produce detailed reports from our survey results, providing clear constructive mitigation advice on protection. In addition, we also provide detailed monitoring surveys and reports, to monitor species changes on a given site.
Fossitt Assessment: Stage I – This is a good starting point for a site and it can identify broad habitat types and species composition and the need for further botanical survey work.
Fossitt Assessment: Stage II – Following on from Stage I this stage gives more detail as to the habitat found within the site, i.e. the type of woodland and scrub
Fossitt Assessment: Stage III – This stage provides detail such as type of habitat to a finer point, i.e. conifer or broadleaved woodland. This stage will usually indicate if a habitat is nationally or internationally important or if it is a designated habitat for a protected site
A botanicial assessment may be required if a site is found to have or potential to have rare/threatened species (such as those listed on Irish Red List). A botanical survey will go into much more detail than a Fossitt assessment and are important to identify where protected habitats or plants could be present, as they allow us to assess the botanical value of a site.
These are often requested on ecological sensitive or legally protected sites such as SACs (in which case the botanical survey is used for an Appropriate Assessment). A botanical assessment report from EcoÉireann includes a detailed breakdown on the extent of each habitat within the survey site, both via a map of the area and a comprehensive list of plant species found in each habitat.